Everyone deserves to belong
But most spaces aren’t created with families impacted by disabilities in mind.
→ From insurance not covering costly medical treatments (not to mention travel costs for care),
→ To knowing other families that don’t understand what you’re going through, and not wanting to burden them,
→ To the emotional toll of navigating (and seeing your kids navigate) a world that isn’t set up to include your family.
It’s a lot for any one person or family to hold. But together, we can make life easier for one another.
We can create spaces where families impacted by disabilities can rest physically and financially.
Here’s how we can create a world where more of us feel like we belong:
Insurance might cover the care kids need, but they don’t pay for three weeks of housing when you’re traveling from out of state to get it.
Molly’s House is a free place for families impacted by disabilities to stay in Gainesville, GA.
We hope it’s just the first of many houses like it.
Most families don’t understand what it’s like to spend three weeks in the PICU or travel for the care their child needs.
It’s important to be able to connect with other families who get it. That’s why we’re hosting quarterly events, starting in Gainesville, GA, for caregivers of kids with disabilities.
Most people aren’t taught much about disability rights or disability history. We’re on a mission to change that, starting with the brightest, most eager people we know: kids.
Disability 101 education can help kids and families learn: real stories about people living with disabilities; what different disabilities can look, sound, and feel like; and how to create spaces where people impacted by disabilities belong.
“April 2022
Molly’s House is bought, and Love Your Story is born!”
“June 2022
First family stays at Molly’s House”
“September 20, 2022
Love Your Story becomes an official 501(c)3 nonprofit!”
“2023 (Date TBA)
The first quarterly gathering for moms and caregivers of kids with disabilities takes place in Gainesville, GA”
“2025, with your help...
We buy a second house in a different part of the country for families impacted by disabilities”
“2027, with your help...
Disability 101 education is brought to schools nationwide. Together, we create a better world for our kids”
“2030, with your help...
We can create spaces of belonging for everyone. And this? This is only the beginning…”
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Believe in the vision? Want to help?
Create spaces where families impacted by disabilities can physically and financially rest.
Families impacted by disabilities spend 18-22% of their income, on average, on care.
Families impacted by disabilities spend 18-22% of their income, on average, on care.
Love Your Story
It’s a simple idea, but if we’re being real,
it can be hard to love what life hands us
When life throws you a curveball, your first instinct isn’t usually to proclaim your gratitude. It might be to vent. Or to make a plan to try to control things. Sometimes, it’s to withdraw. To get angry. To cry. Whatever your feelings are: they’re okay.
But one thing we know? Your story is not a tragedy. And you are not alone. We want to know you and support you. Families impacted by disabilities deserve rest, belonging, and financial stability, just like everyone else.

When we make it easier for one family to belong, we make it easier for every family to belong
This isn’t just about families impacted by disabilities. It’s about creating a world where all of us are seen and supported. A world where — when someone in our community is going through a hard time — we do something to lighten their load. A world where we recognize when we’re not including everyone, and we try to be better at it.